Sunday, June 27, 2010

Harmonizers at International Convention

The Hunterdon Harmonizers will join dozens of quartets, choruses, and their families from our area, across the country, and around the world in Philadelphia over the 4th of July weekend for the Barbershop Harmony Society’s annual International Convention. The society has a membership of nearly 30,000 in the United States, with affiliate organizations in nine countries.

“Barbershop singing is very much alive and has not faded into oblivion, as have silent movies, gramophones, and the Model-T,” said Ed Watson, the Barbershop Harmony Society’s executive director and chief executive officer. “Today’s barbershop harmony has strong intergenerational appeal, with tunes to please Grandpa and grandson alike,” he continued.

That appeal is illustrated by the singers who are members of the Harmonizers of Flemington who range in age from grandsons to grandfathers.

Barbershop quartet singing, immortalized by the Buffalo Bills in Meredith Willson’s The Music Man, is a style of a cappella, or unaccompanied vocal music, characterized by four parts combining to make chords.

Although most of the Harmonizers will be taking in the contests as members of the audience, three of the Harmonizers will be singing with other chapters.

Dennis and Max will be singing with The Big Apple Chorus from New York City. David will be singing with the Voices of Gotham, a chapter made up of mostly young singers from lower New York City. The rest of us will be rooting the three of them on.

I last sang on the International Stage of the barbershop Society when our full chapter was ranked 14th in world and competed in Indianapolis in 1997. We have not since focused so strongly on contest, but have become more of a show and fun chapter of the Society.

Our next show will be the free performance sponsored by the Hunterdon County Park System in Deerpath Park on July 8, 2010. For directions and more detailed information see my prior post, or visit our web site at

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heroes of Chivalry choreography introduced

With just a few more weeks to go before their Deer Path Park performance the Harmonizers introduced the choreography to go with one of their two newest songs.

Assistant Director Max, back from his freshman year at Harvard University, directed the new moves that he designed to go with the Heroes of Chivalry. The song introduces the Knights of the Class of 1322. You have never seen a finer knightly band.

You have to plan to see the sunlight on their armor. Experience in your throat that lumpy sort of feeling, when smashing lances shiver, note that their gait shows a little hesitation and see their faces reveal a hint of fright as their horses get set.

The chorus has enjoyed the addition of several new voices, and the addition of several guests, to their singing group. As VP Membership Christian points out there is always room for more men of all ages to be part of the fun.

Plan to see the fun and excitement of being a Hunterdon Harmonizer on Thursday evening July 8th, 2010 at 7:00 in the evening in Deer Path Park for the free concert and show that is part of the Hunterdon County sponsored series. You will hear the award winning chorus and several of their quartets during the two hour show.

You can learn more about the Music Under the Stars Concert series and get directions to the park at the County web site here .

Monday, June 7, 2010

Flemington is 100 years old

I had to be away for the Memorial Day weekend so I did not get to sing with the Harmonizers at the Flemington Memorial Day parade nor did I get to sing with them at the dedication of the new Veterans Memorial in Lebanon Township.
But late this afternoon about one third of our chorus sang at the old Court House steps in Flemington as part of the Borough celebration of its 100th birthday. After speeches by the political figures concluded we sang three songs. And of course after the ceremony was over, as it seems we always do, a number of our guys hung around and sang songs for the appreciative audience.
One of the women in the audience came up to me after we sang a few extra songs and told me how much she has always appreciated hearing us and seeing us perform. She suggested that during the good weather months we hold our rehearsals out in the open, at least once a month, so the local people could enjoy our music. I had to leave as one of our Board members continued the discussion with her.
It is difficult to rehearse outside and somewhat difficult to sing in the open. But perhaps we could, on a few occasions, take a break in the middle of a rehearsal or two and walk down the street to the old Court House steps and sing a few songs for the local folks. What do you think? Let me know at or by calling the Harmonizer telephone number at 908-806-NOTE.