Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Annual Hospital Sing

Once again Charlie, one of our singers, and a regular volunteer at the Hunterdon Medical Center, lead a group of our guys through the wards. There we entertained people who were spending their holiday days in the facility as patients or workers.

It is always important to bring a little joy to the children's ward, a favorite place for all of us to stop. In the maternity ward we were stopped by a couple who wanted a photo taken of the very soon mother-to-be so they could tell their daughter what joy was happening outside of her room just before she came into the word.

We were asked to sing Happy Birthday for a nurse, as a surprise to her, and she was led into out group for another photo.

This show is always an uplifting experience for the people we sing for and for our singers as well. We close out our singing year with this hospital tour.

Happy Holidays to all !

Another Good Show

The Harmonizers have again appeared at the main branch of the Hunterdon County Library on Route 12. There was a waiting list to get into the facility and to get a seat at the Wednesday December 15 show. A scaled down version of the big show from the first Saturday in December was presented.

One of the high points was when our chapter quartet Untamed took the flood to sing Frosty. They invited a young man to join that and fill the role of Frosty. The young man was a great performer -- perhaps a future Harmonizer himself.

We all enjoy the very responsive audiences that have been coming out to hear and see us.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Show was Great

Well done Harmonizers – it was a great show this past Saturday. Those 800 or so people who came were well rewarded It was a tremendous effort by all.

Dan and Christian with Mark, Rusty, Don and a host of others developed a humorous show, involved many of the Harmonizers in major roles and certainly included everyone in needed participation. What was so great about this effort is that it was truly a Chapter effort. The spirit of cooperation, understanding, patience, and support by everyone made it happen.

From the scenery, to hauling risers, props, etc. . . to painting the scenery, to set up and take down, there was a working together that is what we want the Harmonizers to be about. People who enjoyed the show cannot know all that goes on behind the scenes to bring them such great entertainment and make a show successful.

Tim, our new show director was always upbeat and positive. The chorus response to his direction was great. Vida did her usual wonderful job in getting our feet to point the right way and bring our music to life. The quartets were super and all that had major roles did a fantastic job. The chorus members were really, really, really, focused and had a lot of fun. Everyone, from our senior members to our high school group were really into it.

George with the tickets, Jim with the ads, Mike with the excellent layout of the program, post cards, posters, etc. together made the show a business success. Tony, Greg, Ron, and a host of committee members put a very good looking set together for us. Carmen kept us in order and was a major factor with the sound and riser set up.

Our Ladies Aux. were again terrific in their support. Sharon, Carol, Linda, Tracy and others provided the leadership necessary to make sure the audience was welcomed, treated well, fed, watered, and made comfortable. Sharon took care of the phone ticket sales and handled tickets on show day.

Gabrielle performed with us for the first time and was a wonderful Princess Rose. Sandy had fun as the Lady in waiting, but her real impact was in providing the costumes that really made the show come alive. Adrienne’s creation of the dragon outfit was inspired and kept one of our quartets together. It really made the show.

The Hillsborough Chorale was terrific as was the North Hunterdon Madrigal Singers. Our Parade Music Makers and the Silent Knights were a great addition and very much appreciated for their performance and support.

A great day and truly a team effort. Most of all we thank our fans and audience. How could we do this without them.