An important part of learning a new song, or polishing any song, is bringing all the singers on one part together and working out the details. Here the leads are working with Pat, the section leader. While this goes on the others sections are meeting with their leaders in different parts of the building.
After the section rehearsal the sections come together and put the learning all together to produce music from the words and notes. We drill what we have learned. The next step will be putting the performance package in place.
The meeting of the Chapter began with initial work on the two Valentine songs let by assistant director George. New quartet singers are preparing for one of the most fun projects of the year. Start looking for posters for Singing Valentines to appear in your Hunterdon County Barbershops.
The Harmonizers also included the introduction of a new song. The Harmonizer quartet Voice Odyssey (with Jack in as Bass for Lou who experienced recent surgery) introduced the Beetle song When I'm 64. Our director, Don, then led the group in singing the new song.
Additionally the meeting saw the appearance of seven guests. The guests included a High School quartet. The young singers presented a couple of their songs to entertain the responsive Harmonizer singers.
On Tuesday January 4, 2011 the Harmonizers start a new year. Come out and visit at 8:00 at the church at the corner of Main Street and Maple Street in Flemington. Enter from Maple.
We will be getting ready for our Singing Valentine program. This year we will limit our assignments to 100. That is the first 100 people to order the exciting experience for their loved one will be served. After that it is wait for next year to have four men in red and white tux uniforms appear at an appointed time, sing two love songs, deliver a red rose and a personalized card from you. We go to schools, offices, restaurants, almost any place in Hunterdon County and neighboring counties. At a cost beginning at $50 you can not send a more romantic experience to someone important to you. Call 908-806 NOTE (6683) for details and to arrange for your exciting Valentine gift.
Tuesday the 4th we will also be introducing a new song for the guys to sing in our shows and various appearances this year. If you want to become part of the Harmonizers a good time to visit and consider joining is when a new song is being introduced. Hope to see you there.