Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fun and Learning

We have fun celebrating the monthly birthdays of our members. A new idea our President for this year has started. Here he is with with the monthly cake lined up with the birthday boys in the chapter for February.

We also send time learning some of the technical background of and reasons for what we do. How do we make our vowel sounds consistent? How do we handle the sounds that are not vowels? If we are on the third of a chord do we sing differently than if we are on the root or the fifth?

Yes all of that helps us sing better as we work our way of the scale of achievement as a group of singers. Last Tuesday George conducted the lesson for us all.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Last Chance to Order a Singing Valentine

If you want to order a Singing Valentine to be delivered by a Harmonizer quartet dressed in red and white, you are running out of time. Call 908-806-NOTE now.

The guys are ready. George has taught the leads how to lead a quartet.

Valentines are an exciting and fun experience for our singers. It goes beyond that to the person you send one too. I have been part of a quartet in years past. The surprise is wonderful on the face of your loved one. The excitement of the friends who are there is beyond what you hope for when you get the idea to order.

We sing in restaurants, in offices, in private homes, at parties, and about anywhere you can think of. I remember singing to a guy in a truck garage, another guy behind the counter of a deli, to a women teacher in her class room with all the kids cheering and her fellow teachers looking. One year we sang to a women taking care of horses in their stall on a farm.

Call now to get in on the fun.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One of the many fun things we do is learn new performance plans to go with new music. With three new songs on the schedule (a new one next Tuesday – come out and hear it and sing it with us as we learn it together) there will be a lot of learning new performance moves.

The video shows Vida working with Lou, Tony, and Bob as they learn from her the plan for When I’m 64. The video is part of our new instructional tool collection to help the guys get it right.

From the standpoint of each guy they know that each has to embrace the new motto “If it is to be, it is up to me”. I know the guys will, as we move forward faster than usual to learn new music in the constant process of getting ready for the next opportunity to perform for our public.

Have you ordered you Singing Valentine at 908-806-NOTE yet?