Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Annual Hospital Sing

Once again Charlie, one of our singers, and a regular volunteer at the Hunterdon Medical Center, lead a group of our guys through the wards. There we entertained people who were spending their holiday days in the facility as patients or workers.

It is always important to bring a little joy to the children's ward, a favorite place for all of us to stop. In the maternity ward we were stopped by a couple who wanted a photo taken of the very soon mother-to-be so they could tell their daughter what joy was happening outside of her room just before she came into the word.

We were asked to sing Happy Birthday for a nurse, as a surprise to her, and she was led into out group for another photo.

This show is always an uplifting experience for the people we sing for and for our singers as well. We close out our singing year with this hospital tour.

Happy Holidays to all !

Another Good Show

The Harmonizers have again appeared at the main branch of the Hunterdon County Library on Route 12. There was a waiting list to get into the facility and to get a seat at the Wednesday December 15 show. A scaled down version of the big show from the first Saturday in December was presented.

One of the high points was when our chapter quartet Untamed took the flood to sing Frosty. They invited a young man to join that and fill the role of Frosty. The young man was a great performer -- perhaps a future Harmonizer himself.

We all enjoy the very responsive audiences that have been coming out to hear and see us.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Show was Great

Well done Harmonizers – it was a great show this past Saturday. Those 800 or so people who came were well rewarded It was a tremendous effort by all.

Dan and Christian with Mark, Rusty, Don and a host of others developed a humorous show, involved many of the Harmonizers in major roles and certainly included everyone in needed participation. What was so great about this effort is that it was truly a Chapter effort. The spirit of cooperation, understanding, patience, and support by everyone made it happen.

From the scenery, to hauling risers, props, etc. . . to painting the scenery, to set up and take down, there was a working together that is what we want the Harmonizers to be about. People who enjoyed the show cannot know all that goes on behind the scenes to bring them such great entertainment and make a show successful.

Tim, our new show director was always upbeat and positive. The chorus response to his direction was great. Vida did her usual wonderful job in getting our feet to point the right way and bring our music to life. The quartets were super and all that had major roles did a fantastic job. The chorus members were really, really, really, focused and had a lot of fun. Everyone, from our senior members to our high school group were really into it.

George with the tickets, Jim with the ads, Mike with the excellent layout of the program, post cards, posters, etc. together made the show a business success. Tony, Greg, Ron, and a host of committee members put a very good looking set together for us. Carmen kept us in order and was a major factor with the sound and riser set up.

Our Ladies Aux. were again terrific in their support. Sharon, Carol, Linda, Tracy and others provided the leadership necessary to make sure the audience was welcomed, treated well, fed, watered, and made comfortable. Sharon took care of the phone ticket sales and handled tickets on show day.

Gabrielle performed with us for the first time and was a wonderful Princess Rose. Sandy had fun as the Lady in waiting, but her real impact was in providing the costumes that really made the show come alive. Adrienne’s creation of the dragon outfit was inspired and kept one of our quartets together. It really made the show.

The Hillsborough Chorale was terrific as was the North Hunterdon Madrigal Singers. Our Parade Music Makers and the Silent Knights were a great addition and very much appreciated for their performance and support.

A great day and truly a team effort. Most of all we thank our fans and audience. How could we do this without them.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Three more rehearsals before the big show

Only three more rehearsals before the big show when the Hunterdon Harmonizers will present their performance of Holly Days and Jolly Knights, their annual holiday show, at Hunterdon Central High School at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM on Saturday December 4, 2010. Lords and ladies, princes, paupers and peasants, common folk and uncommon folk, are all welcome to the dubbing ceremonies for the Royal Knight School.

The musical is set in the year 1322. It tells the story of two young men, Dropsalot and SuAve, recent graduates of Knight School. Dropsalot and Lord Malice each seek the hand of Rose, beautiful daughter of King David.

Who will bring the head of the very, VERY ugly dragon, a dragon with musical scales, to the King? He who does will win the hand of Rose, says the King. Time to woo the fair Princess and take over the Kingdom says Malice!

A King, a beautiful princess, a squire assigned to each knight, Harolds, Sir Sultan of Turkey Club, a Bard, a yellow page, the dastardly braggart Lord Malice, Dropsalot and SuAve, Erasmus B. Dragon (the dragon), S’Andrew Wizard, the bartender at The Still of the Knight’s and many others, together with the Harmonizer chorus, are the cast.

Does the dragon survive? Do the most noble and brave-ish knights do battle? Does Malace or Dropsalot win the hand of Rose? Do Harmonizer quartets perform? Do the parties put their differences aside, and regale in true friendship and harmony? Does the day end as a day of great joy and celebration?

Tickets for the Holiday show can be obtained from any Harmonizers, or by calling their telephone number 908-806-NOTE (6683), or from their web site Ticket prices are all General Admission at $15 advanced sales or $20 at the door. Students 6-17 are $10, kids 5 and under, accompanied by an adult are free. A group discount of 10% is available for 10 or more tickets bought at one time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Getting Ready for the Show

The big show for the Hunterdon Harmonizers in December will be on Saturday December 4, 2010, the first show being at 2:00 and the following show at 7:00 in the evening, at Hunterdon Central High School. Holly Days & Jolly Knights lets you, our loyal audience, in on the graduation of the Knights of the Class of 1322. Watch these guys celebrate the Holiday Season.

The picture above lets you in on the scenery building that has been going on in the barn by Tony and his crew.

Do order your tickets in advance of the shows. By doing so you will save $5 on each ticket as compared to buying at the door.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our Next Big Show

Tuesday night, not long ago, the Harmonizers had the first read through of the script for the December 4, 2010 Holiday show.

Each year we entertain our fans with an original fun show that ends with Holiday music. In the photo, the cast reads the script for the chapter members.

In addition to the songs to go with the script we are beginning to introduce the Holiday music for the last third of the show.

Besides the Harmonizer members we expect to have a chorus from each of two regional high schools in the area perform on the show. It is an honor for the high schools that are selected because being selected recognizes the strong music program of the schools participating.

Tickets for the Holiday show can be obtained from any Harmonizer, or by calling their telephone number 908-806-NOTE (6683), or from their web site Ticket prices are all General Admission at $15 advanced sales or $20 at the door. Students 6-17 are $10, kids 5 and under, accompanied by an adult, are free. A group discount of 10% is available for 10 or more tickets bought at one time.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Successful Contest Experience

I am pleased to report that the Hunterdon Harmonizers met their expectation participating in the Barbershop contest last week. We achieved our best District contest score in a number of years. We are ranked, based on this contest, among the top 15% of chapters in the District that runs from Washington DC north to include New York City and from Long Island west to Harrisburg in Pennsylvania.

I am proud of our guys with this record. Especially in view of our goals, which do not include a hard focus on contest. We are a fun chapter that is more interested in the fellowship among our members, and taking our time to prepare for and entertain our various audiences.

Now it is time to get ready for our Holiday Show that will take place the first Saturday in December, and our other holiday performances. Call 908-806-NOTE to get further information, or to get tickets at the pre-show reduced price.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Less than one week before contest

The Harmonizers have qualified for the District Contest again this year. It is less than a week before contest. In fact by this time next week the contest will be over. Most of us will be in the Lancaster Convention Center in Lancaster PA Friday in time for the quartet contest in the evening. Two of our quartets, Re-Mix and Untamed, will be singing Friday night. Saturday the chorus contest begins at 9:00 AM. We expect to sing at 9:50 if all is on time.

Even with the contest just around the corner, our show committee has been working on our Annual Show. The photos were taken after our performance at the Craft Fair last week. The guys are out about town giving our local business people an opportunity to participate in our show program as advertisers. If they have missed you, let us know at 908-806-NOTE and, someone will call on you.

Tickets are also now available. Call the same number to get early tickets at a price lower than buying at the door. The show, Holly Days & Jolly Knights will be at Hunterdon Central High School at 84 Route 31 in Flemington. Shows are at 2:00 and 7:00 PM on Saturday, December 4, 2010. The advance ticket price is just $15 (at the door $20) and students $10 in advance. Kids five and under, with an adult, are free. We expect a very fun show.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Craft Fair Sept 18 & 19 Free Performance

The Harmonizers are getting ready for the Craft Fair they sponsor on Main Street in Flemington, which this year will be held all day Saturday and Sunday this weekend, September 18th and 19th all day.

We will be performing an hour long show each afternoon at 1:00. Come out and enjoy the performance. If you are a man interested in singing, join one of our small groups for a few minutes after the show to test your voice, and to show us what you can do. Our guys would love to sing with you.

The street will be lined with craft people all day. See what they have to offer to tempt you to get a very early start on your holiday shopping, or to get something for yourself.

Don’t forget to reserve the first Saturday in December to go to our annual show. Tickets will be available Saturday and Sunday from our ticket chairman. Get your tickets early this year. More information about the show is available on our web site at

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hunterdon Harmonizers Annual Patriots Baseball Game

The Hunterdon Harmonizers finished the month of August with one of their annual fun activities. They gathered together yesterday with friends from a number of other barbershop chapters to perform a show for the early arrivals of the crowd of more than 5,000 fans at the Somerset Patriots baseball game in the TD Stadium in Bridgewater New Jersey. The stands were packed with children and their parents interested in the Star Wars theme of the night.

Rusty Williams of the Harmonizers organized the event. He invited the leadership and singers of all of the chapter in the Northern Division of the MidAtlantic District. Participating, in addition to the Hunterdon Harmonizers, were singers from the local chapter, The SomerTones of Somerville New Jersey,, the Morris Music Men of Morris County in New Jersey the High Point Harmonizers of Sussex New Jersey, and singers from the Jerseyaires of Rahway, New Jersey.

Music had been provided in advance for the 20 minute show to be performed. The singers gathered outside of the stadium to practice their show set. All of the singers came prepared and opened the show with a rendition of Coney Island Baby.

The music directors of each of the chapters took turns directing a song with all of the singers joining in. As the crowd entered the stadium they heard the performance of this barbershop group projected over the stadium sound system. As the audience grew the applause level increased. It was obvious that the performance was appreciated.

The staff from the patriots ball team filmed the singers, projecting their video on the large scoreboard so that everyone in the stadium could see the close-up faces of the various singers.

At the conclusion of the show the group paused for the introduction of the ballplayers of both teams, the introduction of the game officials, and a representative of the sponsor for the night throwing out the first pitch. Star Wars characters were introduced. Following that pause the barbershop group sang the National Anthem which concluded with thunderous applause from the appreciative audience.

The singers and their guests took their seats in the stands and watched the Somerset Patriots defeat the Camden Riversharks 5-2 before 5,043 fans. Representatives of the participating chapters took turns staffing a table in the food court area that was used to promote barbershop, and the participating chapters in particular.

The next major Harmonizer event is the annual Craft Fair on the Main Street in Flemington on Saturday and Sunday September 18 and 19th. The craft fair will feature a full free show performed by the Harmonizers chorus and quartets at 1:00 pm on each of the two afternoons.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Greg set up a “Magic Cube”

I had to miss our Heath Village performance on Sunday July 25th. The heat brought the performance inside this year. By all reports the show was well performed and the audience loved the singing and performance.

So now it is time to get ready for the activities scheduled for the rest of the 2010 year.

Yesterday we began to take a serious look at our contest songs to be performed in October on the 1st through 3rd as part of the Lancaster PA District Convention and contest. We are pleased to be among the about twenty percent of the one hundred chapters in the district who qualified in Division contest in May that leads us to the final big event in October.

So Tuesday our Program VP, Greg, set up a “Magic Cube”. Sixteen men are placed so that any line of four singers constitute a quartet of all four parts, including a diagonal line. The group starts singing a song as a group. Our music director, Don, then calls one or another line, or quartet, that take over singing the song. One group after another continues to the end of the song. A second group of men then take the place of a singer with the same voice part as their own and the process starts again. A great exercise that tests our command, as individuals, of these songs and our ability to sing our part on our own. Just one of the fun things we do every week.

A table is covered with signup sheets on which our singers can indicate their participation in the many events that are part of our fun.

Our annual Harmonizer Family picnic for our singers, their families, and their guests will be at the Deer Path Park from noon until 6:00 PM Sunday August 22nd. We all bring a covered dish and the host committee provides hamburgers and hot dogs and Soda. This year the bass section of our chorus has challenged the other voice part sections for a face off on the volley ball court. That will be interesting. I am going to have to miss that fun while away for family vacation. I think the leads can win that contest.

There is a sheet for our singing for the crowd at the Somerset Patriots on Tuesday August 31. We will be joined by singers from other chapters, including the Morristown, Somerville, and Rahway groups when we perform a show before the game and when we sing the National Anthem.

There was a sheet for our Craft Fair performances on September 18th and 19th, Saturday and Sunday. We will be performing a free show about 1:00 on the old court house steps on each of these days. Some of our quartets will be performing though out the town during the fair.

Of course there is also a sign up sheet for the October 1 through 3rd contest.

And, although there is no sign up sheet, because these are regular meeting and rehearsal nights, there are scheduled coaching sessions for our singers next Tuesday, August 10th, and again on September 14th.

To say we are busy having fun is an understatement.

Looking further ahead there is a sheet for our December 4 Holiday show and one for another show – this one to be performed at the Hunterdon County library on Wednesday December 15th.

Now is the time for men who love to sing to come out and visit us any Tuesday at 8:00 in Flemington in the church at the corner of Main and Maple Streets. We love having guests and give men who want to an opportunity to sing with us.

We say we can take a singer from the shower to the stage in six weeks. Come out and challenge us to do so with you, or ladies with your man. Check our web site at and call 908-806-NOTE for more details on any of these events.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Joy of Performing

I do not think there is any better, or happier, activity for the Hunterdon Harmonizers than performing for the local crowds in and around Hunterdon County. This past Thursday evening we had one of those opportunities when we performed for the crowd at the County sponsored series of Music Under the Stars in Deer Path Park. We were one of the free series of concerts that include the Hunterdon Symphony and a number of traveling musical groups from out of the area.

The County Park system does a good job of setting up the venue and providing the sound system so that all we have to do is bring our risers and perform for the enthusiastic audience. People tend to gather about an hour before the performance to set up their seats in a good location, and often to picnic with their families while waiting for the program to start.

Although it had rained a little earlier in the day the skies had largely cleared by the time of our performance. Although it was not as hot out as a day or two earlier, it was hot. One gets the sense of standing on the risers in a reflector oven as the sun sets shining in our faces.

The guys arrived early to warm up their voices. We practiced the start of several of our songs and talked about a few changes in the script for the show. We started almost exactly at 7:00, the published starting time.

We opened with The Star Spangled Banner from our Inspirational and Patriotic recording, followed by Applause, and then Happy Together. Five of our quartets, interspersed throughout the program, including Life Renewed, Chordhouse Steps, Voice Odyssey, ReMix, and Untamed, all participated.

We featured one of out new songs, the Armed Forces Medley, during which members of the audience who had served in the various branches of our military stood to be recognized as we sang the song representing and honoring their branch of service. We displayed the flags of each service as we sang about that particular service.

God Bless the USA, You Raise Me Up, When I Lift Up My Head, and God Bless America concluded our program. With the last song the audience was invited to join us in singing God Bless America. Many people had the fun of singing that important song with us.

We all agreed that we enjoy singing for the County series as we have for a number of years. We already look forward to next year.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A most exciting few days. . . .

Probably the most exciting, and most intense, few days every year in the life of the Barbershop Harmony Society are during the annual International Convention. The 72nd, held practically in our back yard this year was during the days of June 28th through July 4th in Philadelphia. The Hunterdon Harmonizers had about 30 members in attendance.

We have not made it a priority to attempt to qualify to sing in the international chorus contest since we did so in 1997. To do so takes an incredible amount of work and dedication on the part of our singers, to the exclusion of the shows and local performances that we enjoy so much. Every year or so we ask our singers what they consider to be our top goal or goals. Singing in contest usually comes in third or fourth. The year it comes in first we will have to change our priorities.

For those of our singers who are driven to sing on the big stage there are opportunities for them. Four of our members have become members of three different highly competitive chapters, as well as remaining a member of our chapter, and these guys did get to sing in Philadelphia. One sang with the chorus which sang first to test the sound system, two sang with the Big Apple in New York City, and one sang with the Chorus of the Chesapeake from Maryland (he is getting his doctorate degree at Johns Hopkins).

I personally enjoyed the freedom to attend chorus and quartet contests, socialize with friends from all over the country, and attend open rehearsals of some of the great choruses that did compete. Our group from Hunterdon got together for dinner together. We also sat together in several clusters during contests and shows, depending on when ticket orders went in.

The activities of the week started with a college quartet contest. I had to miss that because I could not get there until late during the first day and the college contest was over when I got there. I would like to have heard the group from Cornell that finished in the middle of the very large group. My specific interest was partly because I went to law school at Cornell, and partly because one of the Cornell singers went to Hunterdon Central High School.

My first evening in Philadelphia was spent at the rehearsal of the Westminster Chorus from California. This group of young men, most all of them less than thirty years old, had been the surprise winner three years earlier in Denver. Now they were one of the favorites. I enjoyed watching their display of energy, hearing their quality singing, and everything about their performance during those couple of hours of intense rehearsal. I have also enjoyed several opportunities to talk to their very pleasant members and leaders. They represent all of what barbershop fellowship is about. You may have seen them on the second season of the TV show America's Got Talent in 2007, where they were passed to go to the second round by all three judges, but were eliminated at the first cut of the second round. By the way they won the contest again this year. You can learn more about them at:

The Hunterdon Harmonizers got together for dinner. We attended much of the quartet contest. We attended all of the chorus contest together. And we sang all over the convention venues with old and with new friends in quartets and small groups.

Most of our guys also got to watch our VP of Membership live up to his pledge that if we added a net ten new members in the year since the Patriots ball game of a year ago he would publicly shave his head. His brother did the honors of actually shaving his head, in public in the Harmony Market Place, while many of our chorus sang our rendition of The Impossible Dream to the assembled crowd. Linda, our prize winning editor of our chapter bulletin took photos that will soon be appearing in our publication In Tune. I include a couple of her pictures here.

The Hunterdon Harmonizers look forward to carrying the inspiration of the performing at the International Convention to our own stage when we perform this coming Thursday at Deer Path Park, next to the YMCA just off of Route 31, as part of the Concert Under the Stars series put on by the Hunterdon Park System. It is a free concert that starts at 7:00 in the evening. Most people bring a picnic supper with their family an hour earlier.

See you there. The weather prediction for this year is for a clear day.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Harmonizers at International Convention

The Hunterdon Harmonizers will join dozens of quartets, choruses, and their families from our area, across the country, and around the world in Philadelphia over the 4th of July weekend for the Barbershop Harmony Society’s annual International Convention. The society has a membership of nearly 30,000 in the United States, with affiliate organizations in nine countries.

“Barbershop singing is very much alive and has not faded into oblivion, as have silent movies, gramophones, and the Model-T,” said Ed Watson, the Barbershop Harmony Society’s executive director and chief executive officer. “Today’s barbershop harmony has strong intergenerational appeal, with tunes to please Grandpa and grandson alike,” he continued.

That appeal is illustrated by the singers who are members of the Harmonizers of Flemington who range in age from grandsons to grandfathers.

Barbershop quartet singing, immortalized by the Buffalo Bills in Meredith Willson’s The Music Man, is a style of a cappella, or unaccompanied vocal music, characterized by four parts combining to make chords.

Although most of the Harmonizers will be taking in the contests as members of the audience, three of the Harmonizers will be singing with other chapters.

Dennis and Max will be singing with The Big Apple Chorus from New York City. David will be singing with the Voices of Gotham, a chapter made up of mostly young singers from lower New York City. The rest of us will be rooting the three of them on.

I last sang on the International Stage of the barbershop Society when our full chapter was ranked 14th in world and competed in Indianapolis in 1997. We have not since focused so strongly on contest, but have become more of a show and fun chapter of the Society.

Our next show will be the free performance sponsored by the Hunterdon County Park System in Deerpath Park on July 8, 2010. For directions and more detailed information see my prior post, or visit our web site at

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heroes of Chivalry choreography introduced

With just a few more weeks to go before their Deer Path Park performance the Harmonizers introduced the choreography to go with one of their two newest songs.

Assistant Director Max, back from his freshman year at Harvard University, directed the new moves that he designed to go with the Heroes of Chivalry. The song introduces the Knights of the Class of 1322. You have never seen a finer knightly band.

You have to plan to see the sunlight on their armor. Experience in your throat that lumpy sort of feeling, when smashing lances shiver, note that their gait shows a little hesitation and see their faces reveal a hint of fright as their horses get set.

The chorus has enjoyed the addition of several new voices, and the addition of several guests, to their singing group. As VP Membership Christian points out there is always room for more men of all ages to be part of the fun.

Plan to see the fun and excitement of being a Hunterdon Harmonizer on Thursday evening July 8th, 2010 at 7:00 in the evening in Deer Path Park for the free concert and show that is part of the Hunterdon County sponsored series. You will hear the award winning chorus and several of their quartets during the two hour show.

You can learn more about the Music Under the Stars Concert series and get directions to the park at the County web site here .

Monday, June 7, 2010

Flemington is 100 years old

I had to be away for the Memorial Day weekend so I did not get to sing with the Harmonizers at the Flemington Memorial Day parade nor did I get to sing with them at the dedication of the new Veterans Memorial in Lebanon Township.
But late this afternoon about one third of our chorus sang at the old Court House steps in Flemington as part of the Borough celebration of its 100th birthday. After speeches by the political figures concluded we sang three songs. And of course after the ceremony was over, as it seems we always do, a number of our guys hung around and sang songs for the appreciative audience.
One of the women in the audience came up to me after we sang a few extra songs and told me how much she has always appreciated hearing us and seeing us perform. She suggested that during the good weather months we hold our rehearsals out in the open, at least once a month, so the local people could enjoy our music. I had to leave as one of our Board members continued the discussion with her.
It is difficult to rehearse outside and somewhat difficult to sing in the open. But perhaps we could, on a few occasions, take a break in the middle of a rehearsal or two and walk down the street to the old Court House steps and sing a few songs for the local folks. What do you think? Let me know at or by calling the Harmonizer telephone number at 908-806-NOTE.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Educational Opportunity

Although the Hunterdon harmonizers are best known for the fun they offer their singers, the great sound of their four-part harmony, and the entertaining performances they provide to their audiences, there is a great deal more to the organization.

To hear them sing you would not know that more than half of the singers do not read music. That does not mean that they do not want to learn all they can to improve and support their singing. A regular part of the harmonizer activity is an educational component.

The group is blessed with excellent, experienced, music leadership. The music vice president has many years of singing, both in barbershop chapters and in church choirs. The music director has been singing from the time he was in college and has sung in a renowned barbershop quartet. He is best known for his exciting and entertaining shows. But the depth of his music knowledge, and his leadership of the group as a musician, are invaluable in producing the results the audience hears.

The music leadership has among its members three assistant directors. Two of them having been front-line directors. It is this music leadership that contributes mightily to the wonderful close harmony sound produced by the group.

One of the assistant directors, George, teaches a course we refer to as “Barbershop 101”, or as some call it “Barbershop For Dummies”. The course itself is really not for dummies, but is for singers who want to learn the theory of barbershop Harmony, and want to learn to read music. The pictures here were taken a couple of weeks ago during the course George has been teaching every week for six weeks. The course is repeated from time to time.

It is the dedication of experienced, as well as new singers, reaching for the educational opportunities offered, that make the Harmonizers what they are. The educational opportunity provided by this program is taken advantage of by all levels of singers. Guests of the chapter are invited to join the group as well so they gain an understanding of what they may become part of if they join the chorus.

Additionally, every other year the chorus takes its singers to a weekend of coaching and educational experience at the society provided Harmony College East. Our members look forward to this opportunity because of the exposure to some of the leading music educators in the country involved in the barbershop style of singing.

Anyone who is interested in getting the benefit of these educational opportunities is invited to be a guest of the harmonizers at their regular Tuesday night meetings and rehearsals. Additional information can be obtained by calling 908-806-NOTE, or by visiting the website at

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last night I attended the opening night of the ShowKids Invitational Theater's production of THE MUSIC MAN at Voorhees High School.
The Music Man is one of my all time favorite musical productions.

Perhaps that is so because I was first introduced to the sound of barbershop harmony when, at the time of my engagement to my wife, we were given tickets to the broadway production that featured the famous, champion, Buffalo Bills quartet. Perhaps it is just the show itself.

This is a show that demands the best of the actors and singers. High energy is required and the kids, and adults, of SKIT delivered.

This productions was special. Carlolyn Newman, founding producer/director of the production company, went beyond her request of some years ago when we were asked to, and did, help coach a quartet of her regular singers and actors. This time she asked for a real barbershop quartet.

Of our three most competitive quartets two were not available to meet the requirements of the demanding rehearsal schedule, especially in view of our own contest schedule that brings us to contest in early May. I was delighted that UNTAMED stepped forward to take on the opportunity. And they did a great job last night.

Perhaps most important is the exposure their participation gave the Harmonizers to this musical theater audience. There will be a total of five performances. Everyone connected to, or part of, the SKIT group that I talked to appreciated the talent of the UNTAMED singers, their contribution to the success of the show, and noted how nice and accommodating barbershopers were to work with.

We look forward to a long and happy relationship with SKIT.

Successful Guest Night

Our 2010 Guest Night ran without a hitch, with wonderful participation by the Harmonizers all evening. The conduct of the program itself, the singing by the chorus, the welcoming and reception of our guests and evident enjoyment of the evening by all is a great positive.

Two of our quartets, Re-Mix and Chordhouse Steps wowed our guests with great performances. Dan Hunter was comical in presenting his teaser of our 2010 show to be performed in December. We received applications for membership from two previous guests, a great development. We also had two new prospects, who reported they enjoyed the evening and have interest in returning again soon.

We were joined by four members of the High Point Harmonizers as we extended our fraternity with our neighboring chapters, this time all the way to Sussex County.

We give special thanks to Christian or organized the evening with the help of his committee, and to Regina, Liz and Tracey for the set up of refreshments! It is good to see some new faces from the women’s group pitching in to make our events a success.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Guest Night at the Harmonizers

The Hunterdon Harmonizers invite men of all ages, and their friends, to a special night of fun, fellowship, and fine singing on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:30 at the fellowship hall of the church at the corner of Main Street and Maple Street in Flemington New Jersey. Please enter from the Maple Street side of the building. Yes, wives and girl friends are invited too.

Gentlemen this is an opportunity to embark on a musical journey like no other. Listen to and join in singing four part harmony. Have your voice tested to see if you would be most comfortable singing the high tenor part, the melody part sung by leads, the harmony part of the otherwise missing note in the chord sung by the baritones, or the low part in the register sung by the basses.

Enjoy hearing the quartets who have just returned from performing and competing in the Mid-Atlantic District, Northern Division, of the Barbershop Harmony Society contest. All three quartets finished in the top ten in the contest.

Also hear, and perhaps sing with, the chorus that won its AAA Plateau and came in fourth over all in the tough division, and scored best among the New Jersey groups, including those from Teaneck, Montclair, and Morris County also in the contest.

Learn a little about the harmony sung by barbershop singers. See and hear how the four parts come together in a quartet. Be part of the group as it learns a new song. See and learn about the diversity of ages from high school to senior citizen, and the diversity of backgrounds from student, to educator, to doctor, to lawyer, to computer geek, to manager, to retired persons, etc. See how you would fit in as part of this not-for-profit all male singing group.

Learn about singing at a ball game this summer. Perhaps become part of that group.

Enjoy refreshments and fellowship.