Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last night I attended the opening night of the ShowKids Invitational Theater's production of THE MUSIC MAN at Voorhees High School.
The Music Man is one of my all time favorite musical productions.

Perhaps that is so because I was first introduced to the sound of barbershop harmony when, at the time of my engagement to my wife, we were given tickets to the broadway production that featured the famous, champion, Buffalo Bills quartet. Perhaps it is just the show itself.

This is a show that demands the best of the actors and singers. High energy is required and the kids, and adults, of SKIT delivered.

This productions was special. Carlolyn Newman, founding producer/director of the production company, went beyond her request of some years ago when we were asked to, and did, help coach a quartet of her regular singers and actors. This time she asked for a real barbershop quartet.

Of our three most competitive quartets two were not available to meet the requirements of the demanding rehearsal schedule, especially in view of our own contest schedule that brings us to contest in early May. I was delighted that UNTAMED stepped forward to take on the opportunity. And they did a great job last night.

Perhaps most important is the exposure their participation gave the Harmonizers to this musical theater audience. There will be a total of five performances. Everyone connected to, or part of, the SKIT group that I talked to appreciated the talent of the UNTAMED singers, their contribution to the success of the show, and noted how nice and accommodating barbershopers were to work with.

We look forward to a long and happy relationship with SKIT.

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