Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Educational Opportunity

Although the Hunterdon harmonizers are best known for the fun they offer their singers, the great sound of their four-part harmony, and the entertaining performances they provide to their audiences, there is a great deal more to the organization.

To hear them sing you would not know that more than half of the singers do not read music. That does not mean that they do not want to learn all they can to improve and support their singing. A regular part of the harmonizer activity is an educational component.

The group is blessed with excellent, experienced, music leadership. The music vice president has many years of singing, both in barbershop chapters and in church choirs. The music director has been singing from the time he was in college and has sung in a renowned barbershop quartet. He is best known for his exciting and entertaining shows. But the depth of his music knowledge, and his leadership of the group as a musician, are invaluable in producing the results the audience hears.

The music leadership has among its members three assistant directors. Two of them having been front-line directors. It is this music leadership that contributes mightily to the wonderful close harmony sound produced by the group.

One of the assistant directors, George, teaches a course we refer to as “Barbershop 101”, or as some call it “Barbershop For Dummies”. The course itself is really not for dummies, but is for singers who want to learn the theory of barbershop Harmony, and want to learn to read music. The pictures here were taken a couple of weeks ago during the course George has been teaching every week for six weeks. The course is repeated from time to time.

It is the dedication of experienced, as well as new singers, reaching for the educational opportunities offered, that make the Harmonizers what they are. The educational opportunity provided by this program is taken advantage of by all levels of singers. Guests of the chapter are invited to join the group as well so they gain an understanding of what they may become part of if they join the chorus.

Additionally, every other year the chorus takes its singers to a weekend of coaching and educational experience at the society provided Harmony College East. Our members look forward to this opportunity because of the exposure to some of the leading music educators in the country involved in the barbershop style of singing.

Anyone who is interested in getting the benefit of these educational opportunities is invited to be a guest of the harmonizers at their regular Tuesday night meetings and rehearsals. Additional information can be obtained by calling 908-806-NOTE, or by visiting the website at

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last night I attended the opening night of the ShowKids Invitational Theater's production of THE MUSIC MAN at Voorhees High School.
The Music Man is one of my all time favorite musical productions.

Perhaps that is so because I was first introduced to the sound of barbershop harmony when, at the time of my engagement to my wife, we were given tickets to the broadway production that featured the famous, champion, Buffalo Bills quartet. Perhaps it is just the show itself.

This is a show that demands the best of the actors and singers. High energy is required and the kids, and adults, of SKIT delivered.

This productions was special. Carlolyn Newman, founding producer/director of the production company, went beyond her request of some years ago when we were asked to, and did, help coach a quartet of her regular singers and actors. This time she asked for a real barbershop quartet.

Of our three most competitive quartets two were not available to meet the requirements of the demanding rehearsal schedule, especially in view of our own contest schedule that brings us to contest in early May. I was delighted that UNTAMED stepped forward to take on the opportunity. And they did a great job last night.

Perhaps most important is the exposure their participation gave the Harmonizers to this musical theater audience. There will be a total of five performances. Everyone connected to, or part of, the SKIT group that I talked to appreciated the talent of the UNTAMED singers, their contribution to the success of the show, and noted how nice and accommodating barbershopers were to work with.

We look forward to a long and happy relationship with SKIT.

Successful Guest Night

Our 2010 Guest Night ran without a hitch, with wonderful participation by the Harmonizers all evening. The conduct of the program itself, the singing by the chorus, the welcoming and reception of our guests and evident enjoyment of the evening by all is a great positive.

Two of our quartets, Re-Mix and Chordhouse Steps wowed our guests with great performances. Dan Hunter was comical in presenting his teaser of our 2010 show to be performed in December. We received applications for membership from two previous guests, a great development. We also had two new prospects, who reported they enjoyed the evening and have interest in returning again soon.

We were joined by four members of the High Point Harmonizers as we extended our fraternity with our neighboring chapters, this time all the way to Sussex County.

We give special thanks to Christian or organized the evening with the help of his committee, and to Regina, Liz and Tracey for the set up of refreshments! It is good to see some new faces from the women’s group pitching in to make our events a success.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Guest Night at the Harmonizers

The Hunterdon Harmonizers invite men of all ages, and their friends, to a special night of fun, fellowship, and fine singing on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:30 at the fellowship hall of the church at the corner of Main Street and Maple Street in Flemington New Jersey. Please enter from the Maple Street side of the building. Yes, wives and girl friends are invited too.

Gentlemen this is an opportunity to embark on a musical journey like no other. Listen to and join in singing four part harmony. Have your voice tested to see if you would be most comfortable singing the high tenor part, the melody part sung by leads, the harmony part of the otherwise missing note in the chord sung by the baritones, or the low part in the register sung by the basses.

Enjoy hearing the quartets who have just returned from performing and competing in the Mid-Atlantic District, Northern Division, of the Barbershop Harmony Society contest. All three quartets finished in the top ten in the contest.

Also hear, and perhaps sing with, the chorus that won its AAA Plateau and came in fourth over all in the tough division, and scored best among the New Jersey groups, including those from Teaneck, Montclair, and Morris County also in the contest.

Learn a little about the harmony sung by barbershop singers. See and hear how the four parts come together in a quartet. Be part of the group as it learns a new song. See and learn about the diversity of ages from high school to senior citizen, and the diversity of backgrounds from student, to educator, to doctor, to lawyer, to computer geek, to manager, to retired persons, etc. See how you would fit in as part of this not-for-profit all male singing group.

Learn about singing at a ball game this summer. Perhaps become part of that group.

Enjoy refreshments and fellowship.